बुधवार, 25 दिसंबर 2013

Career in Aerobic Exercise instructor

Career in Aerobic Exercise instructor
                 Aerobics, meaning "with oxygen," refers to physical exercise to improve cardio respiratory endurance. Aerobic movement is rhythmic and repetitive, engaging the large muscle groups in the arms and legs for at least twenty minutes at each session. The ensuing demand for a continuous supply of oxygen creates the aerobic training effect, physiological changes that enhance the ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to transport oxygen throughout the body. The most beneficial aerobic exercises include cross-country skiing, swimming, running, cycling, walking, and aerobic dance. Activities that rely on brief or discontinuous bursts of energy, such as weight lifting, are anaerobic ("without oxygen"). 
                  Aerobic movement as a formal exercise has been popular since the late 1960s. The correlation between optimum physical activity and lowered incidence of cardiovascular disease gained wide medical acceptance. Exercise also appears to strengthen the immune system and amameliorate depression. Aerobic workout innovations from the 1980s to the early 2000s included such equipment as steps, weights, and elastic bands; cross-training programs, which involve two or more types of exercise; aerobic dances that combine yoga, martial arts, and other forms of movement with music, including African, Caribbean, salsa, hip-hop, rock, and jazz; and adaptations of such traditional activities as bicycling and boxing into aerobic routines such as spinning and cardio-kickboxing.
                    For aerobic exercise to have lasting benefit, it should have the following features:• 
FREQUENCY: at least 3 days per week, but no more than 6• INTENSITY: high enough to elevate the heart rate to between 60 and 80% of its maximum•
 DURATION: 20-60 minutes of continuous activity. 
                  Because aerobic exercise is often done slowly and continuously, it is especially suitable for older people, those who have been inactive, or those who are not very fit. However, these groups of people should begin exercising gently and increase the amount gradually as it could be harmful to expect too much too soon. Those with known medical problems should consult a physician to determine appropriate exercise levels.
                         Instructors work in a number of different settings, from major corporate complexes to small dance studios. Early morning, evening, and weekend work is frequently required, since most clients exercise before or after work or during their leisure time.Other related fields are - Gym Instructor - Personal Trainer Fitness Consultant - Fitness Writer - Fitness Trainer for Sportsmen Corporate Health Management - Weight Loss Specialist, etc. 

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